March 27
Thursday | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Room: Zoom Link
Contact Name: Catherine Nelson
Contact Phone: 360.735.5017
Contact Email:
Workshop Language: English
Event Registration: Sign Up Required
Additional Info:
Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.
Register for this orientation to learn more about how BFET can help you obtain employment and the resources that you need to succeed on your career journey.
If you need an accommodation to participate in this training, contact Catherine Nelson at or 360-735-5017, Washington Relay 711. Please provide your name and accommodation request. Please make your accommodation request as early as possible so arrangements can be made.
Basic Food Employment & Training Orientation for Clark County
Are you receiving food benefits (SNAP)* and looking for a job?
Our BFET program can help!
BFET stands for Basic Food Employment and Training. Here at Vancouver WorkSource, we have case managers that can help you one-on-one to access job training, job search assistance, and supportive services like transportation assistance and work clothing. Register for this orientation to learn more about how BFET can help you obtain employment and the resources that you need to succeed on your career journey.
*You must be receiving Federal Food Benefits (SNAP) in order to qualify for this program.
Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.