Loading Events WorkSource Seattle-King County Square One: Work For Yourself (In-Person) – WorkSource Seattle-King County
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Square One: Work For Yourself (In-Person)

November 15
Friday | 10:00am - 11:30am

CalendarPlusAdd to Calendar November 15 10:00am 11/15/2024 11:30am America/Los_Angeles Square One: Work For Yourself (In-Person) Thinking about self-employment or starting a business? This class will outline the research you need to test your idea, develop…

Workshop Language: English

Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes


Thinking about self-employment or starting a business? This class will outline the research you need to test your idea, develop a business plan, inform you of the many resources available to help you in Washington State, and present an overview of financing options. Presented by the Small Business Administration.