North Seattle
February Events
Strategies for Success 4: Personal Strength Builders (Rainier)
Mon. | February 24 | 9:00am - 12:00pmStrategies for Success 4: Personal Strength Builders (Rainier)
Mon. | February 24 | 9:00am - 12:00pmWork Smart Program – LinkedIn as an Effective Job Search Tool
Tue. | February 25 | 10:00am - 12:00pmWork Smart Program – LinkedIn as an Effective Job Search Tool
Tue. | February 25 | 10:00am - 12:00pmWork Smart Program – LinkedIn as an Effective Job Search Tool
Tue. | February 25 | 10:00am - 12:00pmWork Smart Program – LinkedIn as an Effective Job Search Tool
Tue. | February 25 | 10:00am - 12:00pmNorth Seattle
- Events
- North Seattle
Calendar of Events
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Microsoft Excel Fundamentals Part 1 (In-person)
September 03
Tuesday | 10:00am - 12:00pm
If you are new to Microsoft Excel or need a refresher on the newer versions, this workshop will provide a basic understanding of the software.
- User interface overview
- Creating, opening, editing, saving documents
- Working with cells and worksheets
- Basic functions and data manipulation
1 event,
Russian – Russian Speakers only_ОНЛАЙН ОБУЧЕНИЕ ПО ВСЕМУ ШТАТУ – СТРАТЕГИИ ПОИСКА РАБОТЫ / Job Search Strategies
September 04
Wednesday | 10:00am - 11:00am
Знание работодателей в вашем регионе и разработка стратегии для поиска работы – это ключ к успеху. В классе Стратегии поиска работы вы изучите различные методы поиска работы! Этот класс дает советы о значении информации о рынке труда и знакомит с другими стратегиями, такими как сетевое взаимодействие, информационные интервью и использование Интернета для поиска вакансий.
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Tigrinya –Tigrinya speakers only-ሀገራዊ አብ ኢንተርኔት ዓውደ መጽናዕቲ (ዎርክ ሾፕ) ብዛዕባ መመልከቲ ወረቐትን (résumé) ዝሽፍን ደብዳበታት (cover letter) ምድላው (ኢንተርኔት) ካላንደር Statewide Online Workshop-Resume &-Cover Letter–Tigrinya
September 05
Thursday | 1:00pm - 2:00pm
ሀገራዊ አብ ኢንተርኔት ዓውደ መጽናዕቲ ( ዎርክ ሾፕ) ብዛዕባ ኣጸሓሕፋ ጽሬት ዘለዎ መመልከቲ
ንዝኾነ ስራሕ ንምድላይ እቲ ቐንዲ አገዳሲ ናይቲ ስራሕ አስራሒ ዘለዎ አረኣእያ ፈሊኻ ምርዳእ እዩ። አብዚ ቤት ዕዮ (ዎርክሾፕ) ስራሕ አስራሕቲ ናይ ስራሕ ማመልከቻ ከመይ ከምዘንብብዎ ብምርዳእ ናታቶም ድልየት ንምምላእ እንታይ ኣይነት ምድላዋት ክትገብሩ ከምዘለኩም ፍልጠት ክህልዎኩም ይገብር።
መመልከቲ ወረቐትን (résumé) ዝሽፍን ደብዳበታት (cover letter) ምድላው
ዕዉታት ደለይቲ ስራሕ ፡ ግዜ ወሲዶም ኣስራሕቲ እንታይ ከም ዝደልዩ ይመሃሩ ። ካብቲ ንስራሕካ ንምድላይ ተባሒሉ ዝስራሕ ኣርባዕተ ቀንዲ ነጥብታት: ንሓደ ስራሕ ክመርጽ ዝደሊ ኣስራሒ ብኸመይ ከም እትጥቀመሉ: እንታይ ከም እትፈልጥን እንታይ ከም እተቕርብን ተምሃር ። ኣስራሕቲ ንምስሓብን ዝያዳ ቃለ-መጠይቕ (Interview) ንምግባርን ፡ ክእለትካ ፡ ፍልጠትካን ኣየናይ ንብቕዓትካ ዝገልጽ መመልከቲ ወረቐትን (résumé) ዝሽፍን ደብዳበታት (cover letter) ተምሃር ።
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Orientation to Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and Training Benefits (TB) (Virtual)
September 06
Friday | 10:00am - 12:30pm
Are you receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits and considering enrolling in some additional training to enhance your skills or to change your Career Path? If so, you will need to apply for Commissioner Approved Training (CAT) or Training Benefits (TB). This workshop will guide you through the requirements, processes, and research needed to submit a successful TB or CAT application. There is an agenda when you sign up to let you know what we will be covering. Handouts will be sent to you after the orientation with additional information that will be helpful when completing your CAT or TB Application.
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Microsoft Excel Fundamentals Part 2 (In-person)
September 10
Tuesday | 10:00am - 12:00pm
A continuation of the Microsoft Excel refresher for new users or those needing additional tips and tricks.
- A deeper dive into Excel formulas
- Charts, graphs, and Pivot tables
Work Smart Program – Introduction to LinkedIn
September 10
Tuesday | 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Introduction to LinkedIn: This workshop features a discussion of the value of LinkedIn and walks participants through the process of setting up a LinkedIn account and creating a Profile. Best for those who are new to LinkedIn or have an account but have not been actively using it. REQUIREMENTS TO ATTEND: 1. General computer, internet and email knowledge. 2. Access to their LinkedIn account during the workshop. For those without a current LinkedIn account, please go to and follow the set-up prompts: email, a new password, location, industry, reason for joining, etc. prior to the workshop.
2 events,
Russian – Russian Speakers only_ Русский – ОНЛАЙН ОБУЧЕНИЕ ПО ВСЕМУ ШТАТУ- Резюме и сопроводительное письмо (или письмо интереса) Resume and Cover Letters
September 11
Wednesday | 10:00am - 11:00am
Пожалуйста, зайдите на и заранее, до начала семинара, создайте свою учетную запись для участия в этом семинаре.
Перед регистрацией проверьте, есть ли у вас минимальное необходимое оборудование, браузер и операционные системы. Видеоконференции будут использовать большую часть пропускной способности и данных. Перед регистрацией убедитесь, что у вас есть тарифный план на передачу данных или надежный доступ к WiFi, который может это удовлетворить. Для участия в семинаре вы должны использовать устройство, способное просматривать видео и контент и иметь возможность воспроизведения звука. Информацию о том, как присоединиться к встрече ZOOM для участия в семинаре, можно найти.
Для этого будет включена опция списка ожидания. Этот список ожидания автоматизирован, и если участник не воспользуется своей регистрацией, будет приглашен следующий участник в списке ожидания. Список ожидания будет в основном использоваться для этого автоматизированного процесса и для мониторинга спроса на семинары. Каждый семинар требует отдельной регистрации.
Каждый раз, когда вы регистрируетесь, пожалуйста, используйте то же имя и адрес электронной почты, которые вы используете в своей учетной записи, если это возможно.
Если вам нужно жилье для участия в этом тренинге, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с Julie Kulinovsky по электронной почте Пожалуйста, укажите ваше имя, запрос на проживание и ваш город проживания. Пожалуйста, сделайте запрос на размещение как можно раньше, чтобы можно было вовремя все оформить.
Work Smart Program – The Art of Negotiating a More Advantageous Compensation Package
September 11
Wednesday | 11:00am - 1:00pm
Learning to negotiate a compensation package is the key in getting what you deserve from employers. This workshop will empower participants with the confidence they need to be successful in negotiating compensation. Learn various tools and skills to demonstrate your value and put your best foot forward in negotiations.
2 events,
Amharic –Amharic speakers only-ክልል ሰፊ ኦንላይን (Online) ወርክሾፕ-ሪሴሚ (résumé) እና የሽፋን ደብዳቤ (Cover letter) አዘገጃጀት Résumé and Cover Letter Workshop
September 12
Thursday | 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Amharic – ክልል ሰፊ ኦንላይን (Online) ወርክሾፕ-ሪሴሚ (résumé) እና የሽፋን ደብዳቤ አዘገጃጀት
ስኬታማ ሥራ ፈላጊዎች ቀጣሪዎች የሚፈልጉትን ለመማር ጊዜ ይወስዳሉ ፡፡ ከሥራ ፍለጋ-ነክ የግንኙነት አራቱ ዋና ዋና ክፍሎች መካከል ማን እንደሆንዎ ፣ ምን እንደሚያውቁ እና ምን መስጠት እንዳለብዎ ለሚፈልጉ አሠሪ እንዴት እንደሚተላለፍ ይወቁ ፡፡ አሠሪዎችን ለመሳብ እና ወደ ብዙ ቃለመጠይቆች ለመምራት ችሎታዎን ፣ ዕውቀትዎን እና ችሎታዎን በተሻለ የሚያሳዩትን የሪሴም (Résumé) እና የሽፋን ደብዳቤ (Cover letter) ቅርጸቶች ይወቁ!
Work Smart Program – Career Coach Workshop
September 12
Thursday | 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Career Coach is an online resource for assessment of interests, researching careers supported by localized data, finding education, training and jobs of interest. We will look at a variety of other tools and resources available to make informed decisions regarding education and training for careers to prepare for next steps to achieve your career goals. Take this workshop to help assess where you are today and what direction you want to take in your career. As a result, you might identify an open job of interest or a new occupational goal and training that help you move forward.
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Spanish Speakers only_Curriculum Vitae – EN LÍNEA Résumé and Cover Letter
September 16
Monday | 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Este taller te ensenara sobre cómo crear un currículum vitae (CV) profesional y efectivo. Explica los principales modelos de CV, las claves para su creación, la estructura recomendada, consejos para mejorarlo y errores comunes a evitar. Además, menciona herramientas y plantillas útiles para elaborar CVs impactantes. No te lo pierdas, sera una via muy util para incorporarte al mundo laboral.
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Microsoft Word Fundamentals Part 1 (In-Person)
September 17
Tuesday | 10:00am - 12:00pm
If you are new to Microsoft Word or need a refresher on the newer versions, this workshop provides a basic understanding of the software.
- User interface overview
- Creating, opening, editing, saving documents
- Working with text, links, and lists
Work Smart Program – LinkedIn as an Effective Job Search Tool
September 17
Tuesday | 1:00pm - 3:00pm
“So if you attended the “Introduction to LinkedIn” workshop and now have the “perfect profile,” what happens next? It’s important to keep in mind that LinkedIn is not a passive tool – you need to use it actively every day. This workshop will explore additional ways that LinkedIn can help you in your job search.
LinkedIn or have an account but have not been actively using it. REQUIREMENTS TO ATTEND: 1. General computer, internet and email knowledge. 2. Access to their LinkedIn account during the workshop. For those without a current LinkedIn account, please go to and follow the set-up prompts: email, a new password, location, industry, reason for joining, etc. prior to the workshop.
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Square One: Work For Yourself (In-Person)
September 20
Friday | 10:00am - 11:30am
Thinking about self-employment or starting a business? This class will outline the research you need to test your idea, develop a business plan, inform you of the many resources available to help you in Washington State, and present an overview of financing options. Presented by the Small Business Administration.
Somali Speakers ONLY – Gobal ahaan shaqada – Xogta loo baahan yahay aqoon isweydaarsiga /Job Search Strategies
September 20
Friday | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Helitaanka shaqo-bixiyeyaasha deegaankaaga iyo abuurista istiraatiijiyad lagu beegsanayo shaqo raadintaada ayaa fure u ah guusha. Fasalka Xeeladaha -Shaqo, waxaad ku baran doontaa habab kala duwan oo shaqo-raadin! Fasalkani wuxuu bixiyaa talooyin ku saabsan qiimaha macluumaadka suuqa-shaqada oo wuxuu soo bandhigayaa istiraatiijiyado kale sida isku xirnaanta, wareysiyada macluumaadka iyo u isticmaalista internetka si loo helo meheradaha shaqooyinka furan.
Swahili Speakers ONLY- SEMINA YA MTANDAONI KATIKA MKOA – Mikakati wa kutafuta kazi /Job Search Strategies
September 20
Friday | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Kujulia juu ya waajiri katika eneo lako na kuunda mikakati la lengo za kutafuta kazi, ndio kifunguo cha mafanikio. Katika darasa la mikakati vya kutafuta kazi, utajifunza namna nyingi ya mbinu ya kutafuta kazi. Hii darsa lita patiana bakshishi ya thamani juu ya soko la ajira na kukuwasilisha aina zengina za mikakati kama muungano wa mtandao, habari kuhusu mahojiano, na jinsi la kutumia mtandao kupata fursa za kazi
Tafadhali nenda katika eneo la na ujenge akaunti lako kabla kuanza semina.
Kabla Kujiandikisha, anagalia kama uko na manufaa wa mtandao utakayo weza kutumia kwa hili semina. Angalia hapa. Filamu la hili semina lita tumia nguvuna nafasi nyingi za mtandao. Kabla kujiandikisha, hakikisha uko na WiFi na nguvu/nafasi za kutosha wakati wakutumia mtandao. Kuhudhuria hili semina, ni lazima utumie kifaa abacho lita kuruhusu kuangalia filamu na yaliyomo na pia uwe na kifaa cha kusikiza.
Kuta kuwa na orodha ya kuongojea katika hili semina. Hili orodha la kuongojea litakuwa ijiendeshe yeneywe na kukiwa na waliohudhuria wawe wajitoe katika usajili, basi walio usajili ambao walikuwa wanaongoja wata alikwa katika semina. Hili orodha la kuongojea lita tumika mwanzoni kwa mchakato la kujiendesha enyewe na kufuatilia mahitaji la semina. Kila mmoja wa semina inahitaji usajili tofauti.
Ukijiandikisha kwa hili semina, tafadhali kama unauwezo, tumia barua pepe na jina ile ile unayotumia wakati unatumia akaunti ya
Kama utahitaji usaidizi zaidi kushirikia hili mafunzo, tafadhali wasiliana na Leila Abdikarim kwa Tafadhali patiana jina lako, mahitaji/maombi lako, na sehemu/mji unayo kaa. Tafadhali ulizia mahitaji yako na mapema ndipo mpangilio liwezwe kufanywa.
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ONLINE Strategies for Success: Personal Strength Builders (N. Seattle)
September 23
Monday | 8:30am - 11:30am
Module 4: Personal strength builders – What makes you shine? Explore the skills it takes for work-place success (and grow the ones you already have)!
- Learn how to improve your attitude, find motivation, overcome fears, plan for success, improve your situation and create great time management skills
- Explore how to project self-worth, integrity, flexibility and adaptability
- Get hold of your finances by forming good spending habits, getting rid of bad behaviors and become financially literate.
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Microsoft Word Fundamentals Part 2 (In-Person)
September 24
Tuesday | 10:00am - 12:00pm
A continuation of the Microsoft Word refresher for new users or those needing additional tips and tricks.
- Headers, footers, page numbers
- Working with objects and graphics
- Working with styles
USA JOBS Workshop
September 24
Tuesday | 10:00am - 12:00pm
- Navigate the USAJobs website
- Build a Profile
- Read a Federal Job Announcement
- Build a Competitive Federal Resume
Facilitated by Federal HR Recruiter Rudy Muriel
Work Smart Program – Career Coach Workshop
September 24
Tuesday | 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Career Coach is an online resource for assessment of interests, researching careers supported by localized data, finding education, training and jobs of interest. We will look at a variety of other tools and resources available to make informed decisions regarding education and training for careers to prepare for next steps to achieve your career goals. Take this workshop to help assess where you are today and what direction you want to take in your career. As a result, you might identify an open job of interest or a new occupational goal and training that help you move forward.
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Russian speakers only – Интервью – Interviewing Techniques
September 25
Wednesday | 10:00am - 11:00am
Пройдите свое следующее собеседование уверенно и уравновешенно, присоединившись к нашему семинару «Интервью». Этот комплексный семинар предоставит Вам необходимые навыки и стратегии, необходимые для того, чтобы произвести впечатление на потенциальных работодателей и получить работу своей мечты. Независимо от того, новичок ли Вы на рынке труда, или хотите отточить свои навыки собеседования, этот семинар предоставит Вам инструменты для достижения успеха. Узнайте, как правильно исследовать компании, понимать описания вакансий и готовить содержательные вопросы, которые можно задать интервьюеру. Поймите важность последующих действий после собеседования, включая отправку благодарственных писем и поддержание профессионального общения. Укрепите свою уверенность в решении сложных или неожиданных вопросов и научитесь превращать потенциальные слабости в сильные стороны.
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Work Smart Program – LinkedIn as an Effective Job Search Tool
September 26
Thursday | 10:00am - 12:00pm
“So if you attended the “Introduction to LinkedIn” workshop and now have the “perfect profile,” what happens next? It’s important to keep in mind that LinkedIn is not a passive tool – you need to use it actively every day. This workshop will explore additional ways that LinkedIn can help you in your job search.
LinkedIn or have an account but have not been actively using it. REQUIREMENTS TO ATTEND: 1. General computer, internet and email knowledge. 2. Access to their LinkedIn account during the workshop. For those without a current LinkedIn account, please go to and follow the set-up prompts: email, a new password, location, industry, reason for joining, etc. prior to the workshop.
Amharic – ክልል ሰፊ ኦንላይን (Online) ወርክሾፕ የሥራ ፍለጋ ስልቶች /Job Search Strategies
September 26
Thursday | 1:00pm - 2:00pm
ክልል ሰፊ ኦንላይን (Online) ወርክሾፕ የሥራ ፍለጋ ስልቶች
በአካባቢዎ ስላሉ ቀጣሪዎች መፈለግ እና የሥራ ፍለጋዎን የሚያነጣጥር ስትራቴጂ መፍጠር ለስኬት ቁልፍ ነው ፡፡
በሥራ ፍለጋ ስትራቴጂዎች ክፍል ውስጥ የተለያዩ የሥራ ፍለጋ ዘዴዎችን ይማራሉ! ይህ ክፍል የሥራ ገበያ መረጃ ዋጋን በተመለከተ ጠቃሚ ምክሮችን ይሰጣል እንዲሁም እንደ አውታረ መረቡ (Networking)፣ የመረጃ ነክ ቃለ መጠይቆች እና የሥራ ክፍት ቦታዎችን ለማግኘት በይነመረብን (Internet) እንደ ሌሎች ስልቶችን ያስተዋውቃል ፡፡
4 events,
Event 27
September 27
Friday | 9:00am - 5:30pm
Auburn, NY 98002-2411 United States
Auburn, NY 98002-2411
Welcome to the Lorem Ipsum Generator Pro, the ultimate source of placeholder text for all your design needs. Whether you’re creating a website, designing a brochure, or crafting the next great novel, our nonsensical text will help you fill crafting the next great novel, our nonsensical text will help you fill in those empty spaces with style fill in those empty spaces.
Skills and Abilities – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop – Statewide
September 27
Friday | 9:00am - 12:00pm
Today’s economy requires workers who can transfer skills from one work setting to another and who have the kinds of personal qualities that make organizations successful. In this workshop, you will learn to identify, demonstrate, and package, with confidence, your skills and personal qualities in ways that will be meaningful to employers. You also will learn oral communication skills and consider drafting a 60-Second Commercial – a brief, high-impact presentation to potential employers.
Somali speakers only -Farsamo Jidkaaga Xirfadda: Dib u bilaw Aqoon-is-weydaarsiga QoraalkaCraft Resume Writing Workshop
September 27
Friday | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Diyaar ma u tahay inaad qaado talaabada xigta ee safarkaaga shaqo? Resume-kaagu waa tigidhkaaga furitaanka albaabada fursadaha xiisaha leh. Nagu soo biir "Craft Your Career Path: Resume Writing Workshop" halkaas oo aad ka heli doonto xirfadaha iyo kalsoonida si aad u abuurto resume muuqda oo ay ogaadaan loo-shaqeeyayaashu.
Aqoon-is-weydaarsigan dhamaystiran, waxaad:
1. Faham Ujeedada Dib-u-habeeynta:
• Baro sababta resumeygu uu muhiim ugu yahay suuqa shaqada ee maanta.
• Soo ogow sida resumeygaagu uu si wax ku ool ah u soo bandhigi karo xirfadahaaga, khibradahaaga, iyo guulahaaga.
2. Baro Dib-u-Celinta Qoritaanka Hababka Ugu Wanaagsan:
• Sahami qaybaha muhiimka ah ee resumeyga guulaystay, oo ay ku jiraan qaabaynta, qaabaynta, iyo qaab-dhismeedka.
• Faham sida loogu habeeyo resumeygaaga warshado iyo doorar shaqo oo kala duwan.
3. Muuji guulahaaga:
• Aqoonso guulahaaga muhiimka ah oo baro sida si wax ku ool ah loogu qeexo resumeygaaga.
• Samee dhibco rasaas xoog leh oo muujiya saamayntaada iyo qiimahaaga shaqo-bixiyayaasha mustaqbalka.
4. Ku soco Nidaamyada Dabagalka Codsadaha (ATS):
Fahmo sida ATS u shaqeyso iyo sida loo wanaajiyo resumeygaaga si aad u kordhiso fursadahaaga inaad ku gudubto nidaamka baadhista bilowga ah.
• Baro xeeladaha lagu darayo ereyada muhiimka ah ee khuseeya iyo qaabaynta resumeygaaga si waafaqsan ATS.
5. Hel jawaab-celin shaqsiyeed:
• Ka qayb qaado laylisyada isdhexgalka oo hel jawaab celin wax ku ool ah oo ku saabsan resumeygaaga xirfadlayaasha khibrada leh.
• Hel fikrado ku saabsan sida loo sii wanaajiyo resumeygaaga si aad raad joogto ah ugu yeelato loo shaqeeyaha.
6. Shabakadda iyo Isku xidhka:
• La xidhiidh ka qaybgalayaasha oo kordhi shabakadaada xirfadeed.
• Soo hel agabyo iyo agabyo dheeraad ah si aad u taageerto horumarkaaga shaqo.
Haddi aad tahay arday dhawaan qalin jebisay, shaqo badal, ama xirfadle khibrad leh, aqoon iswaydaarsigan waxa loogu talagalay in lagu xoojiyo aqoonta iyo xirfadaha aad u baahan tahay si aad u abuurto resume soo jiidasho leh oo kaa soocan tartanka. Ha lumin fursadan aad ku maalgashan karto guushaada mustaqbalka! Hadda iska diwaangeli "Craft Your Career Path: Resume Writing Workshop.
Swahili speakers only -Rejea Maabara Swahili Résumé and Cover Letter
September 27
Friday | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Kufanikiwa na kutafuta kazi ni muhimu uchukuwa wakati ku somea vitu maajirii wanachotaka. Jambo mawili kati ya misingi minne yanayo husiana na mawasiliano na waajiri wakati wa kutafuta kazi ni; ya kwanza; kujieleza wewe ni nani na kuonyesha vitu unavyo vijua. Kisha ya pil ni; kuoneshana ujuzi unachopaswa kuzifanya. Jifunze ni rejea gani na barua ya maombi ipi ndizo bora kuonyesha ujuzi zako ndipo uwavutie waajiri na pia kusababisha mahojiano zaidi! Orodha ya wanaosubiri ni otomatiki. Ikiwa mtu ataghairi usajili, mtu anayofuata katika orodha ya kusubiri atajulishwa. Kila ujulishaji ya orodha ya kusubiri iliyo otomatiki ita tumwa saa mbili za asubuhi siku moja kabla ya warsha. Usipo pata ujulishaji kwa wakati huo, usitarajie kuhudhuria hiyo warsha na inapaswa kujiandikisha katika warsha siku zijazo.
Wakati zingine, ujumbe kutoka mratibu inaweza kuelekezwa kwenye folda yako ya taka. Tafadhali angalia folda yako ya taka kwa ujumbe wako ama mialiko. Ukijiandikisha kwa hii tukio, tafadhali tumia jina na barua pepe ile ile uliyo tumia kwa akaunti ya Ukiwa na maswali ama mabadiliko, mjulishe mratibu alietajwa hapo juu. Ukihitaji usaidizi ya watu wenye ulemavu, tafadhali mwasili mwezeshaji alie tajwa katika hii tukio. Patiana jina lako, ombi la musaidizi ya watu wenye ulemavu, na mji wa makazi. Kama utahitaji usaidizi zaidi kushirikia hili mafunzo, tafadhali wasiliana na Leila Abdikarim kwa Tafadhali patiana jina lako, mahitaji/maombi lako, na sehemu/mji unayo kaa. Tafadhali ulizia mahitaji yako na mapema ndipo mpangilio liwezwe kufanywa.
1 event,
Event 27
September 28
Saturday | 8:00am - 5:00pm
Auburn, NY 98002-2411 United States
Auburn, NY 98002-2411
Welcome to the Lorem Ipsum Generator Pro, the ultimate source of placeholder text for all your design needs. Whether you’re creating a website, designing a brochure, or crafting the next great novel, our nonsensical text will help you fill in those empty spaces with style.
1 event,
Event 27
September 29
Sunday | 9:00am - 6:00pm
Auburn, NY 98002-2411 United States
Auburn, NY 98002-2411
Welcome to the Lorem Ipsum Generator Pro, the ultimate source of placeholder text for all your design needs. Whether you’re creating a website, designing a brochure, or crafting the next great novel, our nonsensical text will help you fill in those empty spaces with style.
2 events,
ONLINE Strategies for Success: Community Engagement (N. Seattle)
September 30
Monday | 8:30am - 11:30am
Module 5: Community engagement – Why are we such social creatures? We will show you how communities can lift each other up and how even the tiniest gestures can change the world!
- Discover what it means when people talk about an individual’s culture or self-identity, and what it means to be sensitive to it
- Learn about your personal and social rights, demonstrating citizenship and civic engagement
Job Search Strategies -Spanish speakers only- Estrategias de Busqueda de trabajo- EN LÍNEA – en todo el estado
September 30
Monday | 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Este taller te ensenara la estrategia ideal para tu busqueda de trabajo, los errores a evitar y como crear un esquema para tener una busqueda exitosa e incorporarte al mercado laboral lo mas pronto posible.
Location:Reunión en línea via zoom: La información del enlace y de la reunión se compartirá por correo electrónico como mínimo 1 hora antes de que comience el taller en línea.
4 events,
Microsoft Excel Fundamentals Part 1 (In-person)
October 01
Tuesday | 10:00am - 12:00pm
If you are new to Microsoft Excel or need a refresher on the newer versions, this workshop will provide a basic understanding of the software.
- User interface overview
- Creating, opening, editing, saving documents
- Working with cells and worksheets
- Basic functions and data manipulation
Microsoft Excel Fundamentals Part 1 (In-person)
October 01
Tuesday | 10:00am - 12:00pm
WorkSource North Seattle
Opportunity Center
9600 College Way North
Seattle, WA 98103
Workshop Language: English
Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes
If you are new to Microsoft Excel or need a refresher on the newer versions, this workshop will provide a basic understanding of the software.
- User interface overview
- Creating, opening, editing, saving documents
- Working with cells and worksheets
- Basic functions and data manipulation
Interviewing – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop – Statewide
October 01
Tuesday | 1:00pm - 4:00pm
You might have the best résumé ever, but if you don’t interview well, it won’t matter. Being able to handle a job interview is a necessity for any job seeker. Knowing what employers are looking for and being prepared are absolute musts. In this workshop, you will learn valuable interviewing tips and have the chance to practice answers to frequently asked—and sometimes difficult—questions in a supportive, realistic environment.
2 events,
Résumés and Cover Letters – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop – Statewide
October 02
Wednesday | 9:00am - 12:00pm
Successful job seekers take the time to learn what employers want.
Learn how two of the four primary pieces of job-search-related communication convey to a prospective employer who you are, what you know and what you have to offer.
Learn which résumé and cover letter formats best display your skills, knowledge and abilities in order to attract employers and lead to more interviews!
5 events,
Tigrinya –Tigrinya speakers only-ሀገራዊ አብ ኢንተርኔት ዓውደ መጽናዕቲ (ዎርክ ሾፕ) ብዛዕባ መመልከቲ ወረቐትን (résumé) ዝሽፍን ደብዳበታት (cover letter) ምድላው (ኢንተርኔት) ካላንደር Statewide Online Workshop-Resume &-Cover Letter–Tigrinya
October 03
Thursday | 1:00pm - 2:00pm
ብኢንተርኔት ዝግበር አኼባ፤ ሓበሬታ ብዛዕባ እቲ ዝግበር ኣኼባ እቱይ ዓውደ መጽናዕቲ( ዎርክ ሾፕ) ቕድሚ ምጅማሩ 1 ስዓት ኣቐዲሚና ብኢመይል ክነፍልጠኩም ኢና
Zoom ኦንላይን Online) SignUp
Workshop Language: English
Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes
ሀገራዊ አብ ኢንተርኔት ዓውደ መጽናዕቲ ( ዎርክ ሾፕ) ብዛዕባ ኣጸሓሕፋ ጽሬት ዘለዎ መመልከቲ
ንዝኾነ ስራሕ ንምድላይ እቲ ቐንዲ አገዳሲ ናይቲ ስራሕ አስራሒ ዘለዎ አረኣእያ ፈሊኻ ምርዳእ እዩ። አብዚ ቤት ዕዮ (ዎርክሾፕ) ስራሕ አስራሕቲ ናይ ስራሕ ማመልከቻ ከመይ ከምዘንብብዎ ብምርዳእ ናታቶም ድልየት ንምምላእ እንታይ ኣይነት ምድላዋት ክትገብሩ ከምዘለኩም ፍልጠት ክህልዎኩም ይገብር።
መመልከቲ ወረቐትን (résumé) ዝሽፍን ደብዳበታት (cover letter) ምድላው
ዕዉታት ደለይቲ ስራሕ ፡ ግዜ ወሲዶም ኣስራሕቲ እንታይ ከም ዝደልዩ ይመሃሩ ። ካብቲ ንስራሕካ ንምድላይ ተባሒሉ ዝስራሕ ኣርባዕተ ቀንዲ ነጥብታት: ንሓደ ስራሕ ክመርጽ ዝደሊ ኣስራሒ ብኸመይ ከም እትጥቀመሉ: እንታይ ከም እትፈልጥን እንታይ ከም እተቕርብን ተምሃር ። ኣስራሕቲ ንምስሓብን ዝያዳ ቃለ-መጠይቕ (Interview) ንምግባርን ፡ ክእለትካ ፡ ፍልጠትካን ኣየናይ ንብቕዓትካ ዝገልጽ መመልከቲ ወረቐትን (résumé) ዝሽፍን ደብዳበታት (cover letter) ተምሃር ።
Work for Washington State– how to apply effectively –WorkSource virtual workshop – Statewide
October 03
Thursday | 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Would you consider service to the people of the State of Washington? Advantages and benefits of working for various state agencies will be discussed. An important part of any job search is to understand the employer’s point of view. In this workshop you'll learn how agencies use different application process steps and how to be better prepared to meet their expectations. The workshop explores how to organize and communicate your professional strengths in a way that stands out from the crowd. You'll leave the workshop understanding how to create an Application Guide and why it could be a good idea. Specific tips for applying to state agencies will be provided.
Habilidades y Capacidades – EN LÍNEA – en todo el estado
October 03
Thursday | 1:00pm - 4:00pm
¿Cuáles son sus habilidades? ¿Cómo puede transferir sus habilidades de un trabajo a otro? En este taller, aprenderá a identificar, demostrar y presentar sus destrezas y cualidades. Aprenderá como presentarse a empleadores de una manera breve y de alto impacto mediante la creación de un <<anuncio>> personal.
Orientation to Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and Training Benefits (TB)
October 03
Thursday | 1:30pm - 4:00pm
Are you receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits and considering enrolling in some additional training to enhance your skills or to change your career path? If so, you will need to apply for Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and/or Training Benefits (TB). This workshop will guide you through the requirements, processes, and research needed to submit an application.
6 events,
Orientation to Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and Training Benefits (TB) (Virtual) North Seattle
October 04
Friday | 10:00am - 12:30pm
Zoom online. Link will be sent to you prior to the workshop start time.
Workshop Language: English
Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes
Are you receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits and considering enrolling in some additional training to enhance your skills or to change your Career Path? If so, you will need to apply for Commissioner Approved Training (CAT) or Training Benefits (TB). This workshop will guide you through the requirements, processes, and research needed to submit a successful TB or CAT application. There is an agenda when you sign up to let you know what we will be covering. Handouts will be sent to you after the orientation with additional information that will be helpful when completing your CAT or TB Application.
Orientation to Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and Training Benefits (TB) (Virtual)
October 04
Friday | 10:00am - 12:30pm
Are you receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits and considering enrolling in some additional training to enhance your skills or to change your Career Path? If so, you will need to apply for Commissioner Approved Training (CAT) or Training Benefits (TB). This workshop will guide you through the requirements, processes, and research needed to submit a successful TB or CAT application. There is an agenda when you sign up to let you know what we will be covering. Handouts will be sent to you after the orientation with additional information that will be helpful when completing your CAT or TB Application.
Somali Speakers ONLY – Gobal ahaan shaqada – Xogta loo baahan yahay aqoon isweydaarsiga /Job Search Strategies
October 04
Friday | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Shirka Shabakada ee ZOOM
Workshop Language: English
Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes
Helitaanka shaqo-bixiyeyaasha deegaankaaga iyo abuurista istiraatiijiyad lagu beegsanayo shaqo raadintaada ayaa fure u ah guusha. Fasalka Xeeladaha -Shaqo, waxaad ku baran doontaa habab kala duwan oo shaqo-raadin! Fasalkani wuxuu bixiyaa talooyin ku saabsan qiimaha macluumaadka suuqa-shaqada oo wuxuu soo bandhigayaa istiraatiijiyado kale sida isku xirnaanta, wareysiyada macluumaadka iyo u isticmaalista internetka si loo helo meheradaha shaqooyinka furan.
Swahili Speakers ONLY- SEMINA YA MTANDAONI KATIKA MKOA – Mikakati wa kutafuta kazi /Job Search Strategies
October 04
Friday | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Jiandikishe Katika eneo la mtandao wa Zoom: Jinsi na namna ya kuingia katika katiba la darsa , utapewa kiunga na habari wa program masaa mmoja kabla semina kuanza.
Workshop Language: English
Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes
Kujulia juu ya waajiri katika eneo lako na kuunda mikakati la lengo za kutafuta kazi, ndio kifunguo cha mafanikio. Katika darasa la mikakati vya kutafuta kazi, utajifunza namna nyingi ya mbinu ya kutafuta kazi. Hii darsa lita patiana bakshishi ya thamani juu ya soko la ajira na kukuwasilisha aina zengina za mikakati kama muungano wa mtandao, habari kuhusu mahojiano, na jinsi la kutumia mtandao kupata fursa za kazi
Tafadhali nenda katika eneo la na ujenge akaunti lako kabla kuanza semina.
Kabla Kujiandikisha, anagalia kama uko na manufaa wa mtandao utakayo weza kutumia kwa hili semina. Angalia hapa. Filamu la hili semina lita tumia nguvuna nafasi nyingi za mtandao. Kabla kujiandikisha, hakikisha uko na WiFi na nguvu/nafasi za kutosha wakati wakutumia mtandao. Kuhudhuria hili semina, ni lazima utumie kifaa abacho lita kuruhusu kuangalia filamu na yaliyomo na pia uwe na kifaa cha kusikiza.
Kuta kuwa na orodha ya kuongojea katika hili semina. Hili orodha la kuongojea litakuwa ijiendeshe yeneywe na kukiwa na waliohudhuria wawe wajitoe katika usajili, basi walio usajili ambao walikuwa wanaongoja wata alikwa katika semina. Hili orodha la kuongojea lita tumika mwanzoni kwa mchakato la kujiendesha enyewe na kufuatilia mahitaji la semina. Kila mmoja wa semina inahitaji usajili tofauti.
Ukijiandikisha kwa hili semina, tafadhali kama unauwezo, tumia barua pepe na jina ile ile unayotumia wakati unatumia akaunti ya
Kama utahitaji usaidizi zaidi kushirikia hili mafunzo, tafadhali wasiliana na Leila Abdikarim kwa Tafadhali patiana jina lako, mahitaji/maombi lako, na sehemu/mji unayo kaa. Tafadhali ulizia mahitaji yako na mapema ndipo mpangilio liwezwe kufanywa.
Applications – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop – Statewide
October 04
Friday | 1:00pm - 4:00pm
An important part of any job search is to understand the employer’s point of view. In this workshop, you'll learn how employers read applications and how to be better prepared to meet an employer’s expectations.
The workshop explores how to organize and communicate your skills and abilities in a way that stands out from the crowd. You'll leave the workshop with a master application that's helpful when filling out paper and electronic applications, and start you on your way to developing a résumé.
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