January 15
Wednesday | 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Zoom online meeting
Please see Event Details for instructions on how to attend.
Workshop Language: English
Description:Ready to kick start your career?! Come learn about WIOA services that are specifically designed for young adults, 16-24 who are not currently connected to school.
In this session we provide an over of the WIOA Young Adult Program with Career TEAM, and discuss what it is like to work with a dedicated Career Advisor who provides facilitation and navigates arrangements for academic, career or personal counseling, financial aid, child care, housing, and other financial assistance that can be critical to your success.
Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAld-6vpj0tHNDsE5OgMzIX8mKNsq_Qm22E
Every Wednesday at 3pm. We are excited to see you there!