January 15
Wednesday | 10:00am - 12:00pm
WorkSource Spokane
130 S. Arthur St.
Spokane, WA 99202
Contact Name: Mike Anderson
Contact Phone: 509-532-3120
Contact Email: esdgpworkfirstspokane@esd.wa.gov
Workshop Language: English
Event Registration: Sign Up Required
Additional Info:
Prior to your WorkFirst Orientation, please complete the three mandatory items below:
1. Go to www.worksourcewa.com and create a job seeker account, following all steps to confirm your registration. Please remember your username and password
2. Complete Employment Skills Assessment: https://forms.spokaneworkforce.org/240806153869059
3. Go to www.worksourcespokane.com and create a Career Quest Account.
If unable to complete the items above, please come to WorkSource any time and no later than one hour prior to orientation to get assistance. These items must be completed prior to orientation.
We look forward to working with you.