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WorkSource Kitsap EmployAbility Career Fair

October 17
Thursday | 10:00am - 2:00pm

CalendarPlusAdd to Calendar October 17 10:00am 10/17/2024 2:00pm America/Los_Angeles WorkSource Kitsap EmployAbility Career Fair Join the Department of Services for the Blind and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation for a day of networking and job…

3120 NW Randall Way
Silverdale, WA 98312

Sponsor: Washington State Department of Services for the Blind and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Workshop Language: English

Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes

Join the Department of Services for the Blind and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation for a day of networking and job opportunities at WorkSource Kitsap!

This EmployAbility Career Fair is designed to showcase and connect job seekers with disabilities to employers that value diversity and inclusion. Come share what skills you can bring to business. Open to all.

Create a WorkSourceWA.com registration. 

Register for the event: WorkSource Kitsap EmployAbility Career Fair - forms.office.com…
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